Still Life

Engine Problems?

Copyright Jeff Ball 2010

Since I was 16 I have  been in love with Volkswagons. I’ve had 5 beetles, 4 buses (one of which I traveled through Europe in) and a VW Thing. When I came across this awesome VW yard today, I was immediately drawn to this image.

I’ve spent many hours with my head and hands in engines like this but I’ve never seen one engulfed in bindweed! I love the chaotic and humorous feel of this shot. I thought my engine had issues!

Thanks to Wolfgang for letting me shoot in your awesome yard.

Little Hippo

Copyright Jeff Ball 2008

This photo was taken for my partner, Remy’s Blog. His middle name is Hipolito and he named his blog, “Little Hippo.” At the time, Remy still smoked and we thought this was the perfect image for it. He has since stopped smoking so we’re thinking about a new image for his website. If you’d like to check out some of his work go to his blog:

Dreams, Anxiety or Chew Toy?

Copyright Jeff Ball 2008

I imagine that this baseball has had several potential lives. I see it as a symbol of the dreams for a young boy growing up to play major league ball. Perhaps it was a symbol of anxiety for a boy or girl who wants to play but is scarred of it’s force flying straight at them.

Whatever it’s origins it ended up as an abandoned chew toy for some animal and finally as the subject of my camera. How often do we discard or ignore things like this? I’m always on the lookout for these little gems.

Starring Role

Copyright Jeff Ball 2010

The image of the light bulb has long had a starring role in my work. I am drawn back to it’s shape and symbols time and time again.

Perhaps we’ll live in a world where this type of light bulb no longer exists. However, I don’t believe the shape and symbolic meanings behind it will change. I just can’t see the florescent spiral replacing the beautiful lines and structure of this classic.

Frozen Water Is Not Always Ice

I’m working on a series of water photographs. I’m getting very close to what I’m going for. Here’s an example of one of the shots. I really love doing this type of work in the studio on snowy days. It’s perfect distraction from the real world. Simple drops of water can become a whole different world or a mini sculpture frozen in time.